The Right to Food: Milan and the Università Statale join forces again

Livia Pomodoro appointed UNESCO chair

  • Date

    14 mag 2018 | 14 mag 2018

  • Location

    Via Festa del Perdono, Milano, MI, Italia


A true commitment to an intangible legacy in the wake of Expo Milan 2015 has been kept alive by Livia Pomodoro’s Milan Center for Food Law and Policy. By showing continuous and tireless action, our city has confirmed a strategic role as the centre of international attention in terms of human rights, including the right to food and to water.

Recent weeks saw the assignment of an UNESCO chair to the Università Statale on matters regarding Food Law and the Right to Food and whose teaching has been entrusted to Livia Pomodoro, President of the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy. 

Population growth, imigration, urban development, variation in food prices, inadequate water supplies, desertification, climate change and natural disasters: all contribute to building a complex and rather worying scenario, which, up until now, has been faced with only inadequate proposals

Here the importance of the scope of law and regulation comes into play; indeed, internationally communal rules can lead to a fairer world because they are able to make human rights more effective.

If Expo Milan 2015 suggested again the rather burdensome responsibility of “ Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, the coming years will ask for a response and a commitment which go well beyond any media hype a universal exposition can claim. Thanks to its specialization course “Nutrition: health, law and the market” (L'alimentazione tra salute, diritto e mercato)”  and the UNESCO chair In Food Law and the Right to Food, attention and awareness will increase. A new, widespread awareness will be able to help in the fight in making food rights real and tangible. New best practices and public policies around these issues will flourish.
