RTF MAP with Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition

A global mapping of real and virtual “forums” for the discussion of food rights.

Ongoing project

The collaboration between the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy and the Fondazione BCFN (Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition) has pushed forward the implementation of the project and the set up of a more detailed data system, more apt at intercepting information on a global scale. Set up in 2015, the idea of a global mapping of real and virtual “forums” for the discussion of food rights, had the initial objective  to carry out a census of the articles in Italian and English language newspapers.

In 2016 the RTF Map broadened its horizons. It began covering more issues and analysing more sources of news, policy, laws and scientific research thanks to the acquisition of the semantic analysis platform Brand Watch. Moreover, updating becaame daily and in 2017 a bimonthly report was tested, reporting the most interesting data and the most relevant news.    

In particular the Milan Center for Food Law and Policy benefits from the semantic analysis web tool developed by BCFN in order to foster the platform http://rtfmap.milanfoodlaw.org created by Metid Politecnico di Milano (RtfMap).

The platform collects and publicizes advisories in English on the issues of food rights and sustainabilty, highlighting articles and documents from a number of different print sources, multilateral agencies, research centers and government sites.